Friday, May 30, 2008

No one Dangbu your way of life

I always think that love is a two-way exchange of feelings, Is unmasked deep Qingmu, Mutual is, Is a soul and the soul of the collision sparks. If two people in love, is deliberately does not require a change to please the other side of their own. If he (she) does not like you, how can you deliberately to pursue is of no use, Mutual really like it, like there was no time also, Yongde Zhao desperate to appease the Mody » Even if you sincerely moved by his (her), Such are the feelings it would be somewhat reluctantly, he (she) was not so accepted you, You must be some conditions are not so consistent with his (her) mind the requirements of 1:00 you were moved by the action may be a long time, If he (she) have the ideal person, it will be difficult that he (she) has the same heart. Some people may often say: "give up his (her) I Huobuxiaqu, I love him (her)!" In fact, the idea was ridiculous, life, who can not live without the advanced? » Who has not had the Earth will not be able to do » Unless you really Bu Xianghuo, otherwise no one Dangbu your life path. We usually think that "only" a matter of fact things are not true, but we do not have the intention to find and Seoul. True love each other from the same sense of Qingmu, Mutual built on the foundation. Any just crazy to love others regardless of whether their loved, Or just really do not know from which the people will not pay a good outcome. If love has become the past, let it disappear; Xie has a flower, then find another one; Do not moved to tears by love. Even if not love, to life in the same, Yun Yong happiness in the future, fate may be in your hands manipulation!

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